It is a disadvantage as you cannot expect a native Mac OS X user interface.Ģ. It is an advantage as you can move its document files across different operating systems and the result will still look the same (try this with a MS product). This is its main advantage and its main disadvantage. Scribus is cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X). To really understand its value we must look at it pros and cons.ġ. It really needs to from install all the way to advanced work. But hopefully by the time that switch becomes reality, it will have improved. Scribus would be the best choice for sparse DTP needs.
Still, I will keep working at this one, as one day I hope to switch to Linux fully and slave other OSes. well, just bad compared to programs of a similar focus. Constantly switching panes to set different things in just one paragraph, section, and/or page was tedious at times. Things that should be simple, such as inline / inlayout editing, are not. While Scribus is not that bad, I would not call it good and would not recommend it to anyone unfamiliar with DTP. I have used many moderate to top of the line DTP applications, all the way to the nightmare that is the industrial strength InDesign CC. I give high marks on that last part, but as to the rest. to some success on some minor projects for output to PDF. I have finally installed and used this one.