Go to the REVIEWtab and click on the New Comment icon in the Comments section.Select the cell that you want to comment on.So let's begin with the easiest of two and add a text comment to a cell. How to copy comments to other cells in Excelįirst I should say that the ways of inserting text and picture notes are different.If you want to know more about this Excel feature, go ahead and read this article! Instead of entering text description you can insert a picture into a comment. This tool can also come in handy when you need to explain formulas to other users or describe a certain value. A comment is often the best way to attach additional information to a cell because it doesn't change the data itself. You can easily do this by adding a comment to a particular cell in the worksheet. Suppose you have received an Excel document from another person and want to leave your feedback, make corrections or ask questions about the data. You'll also learn how to insert a picture in a comment and make your cell note more eye-catching by changing its font, shape and size. In this article you'll find out how to add comments to Excel cells, show, hide and delete them.